I’m back! And today I’m going to start things off with an episode about choosing a creative business.

I’m back! And today I’m going to start things off with an episode about choosing a creative business.
I love making big creative goals. Like, REALLY big. But sometimes it's tough to follow through. Do you ever have those moments when you’re like “I’M GOING TO WRITE A MOVIE” or “I’m GOING TO WRITE A BOOK” and you get so excited about it but you don’t have a clue what...
This week I’m sharing a replay episode every single day from my archive to help those of you who are looking to launch a podcast in the next month, to celebrate the kick off of my course Podcast Rocket!
Today I’m showing you how to turn your IGTV videos into a podcast episode in this tutorial video!
These are my top 5 podcast marketing strategies for 2020 that will help you get more downloads and subscribers!
How do you pick between podcast seasons or weekly episodes? Which one makes the most sense? These tips will help you figure out which one is right for you!
What the heck do all the knobs do!? In this video I show you the Blue Yeti pickup patterns that your microphone can be set to in order to achieve the ideal recording setup for your podcast.
Every podcast episode needs a little love to get on its way out into the world! Here is my podcast episode checklist, full of things that I like to put together for my clients that you can try out too!
Ditch that overwhelm! If you don’t know how to name your podcast, you’re not alone. Follow these handy dandy tips to name your podcast!
Today I’m going to give you three different ways that you repurpose your podcast audio for video content! Always be effective and efficient with your content production! Right? Right!
One of the questions I get a lot is how to pitch podcast guests. I get it, it can be a little intimidating to put yourself out there especially if you don’t know the person you want to pitch very well!
I’m going to give you the dirt on where to find free stock images, and my favourites for the ones you need to pay for.
The biggest issue we all face with our content is consistently, consistency. Why? Because we plan a little bit, feel like we’ve done everything we need to do for at least a month, and then we completely forget to post for a week.
Today I’m sharing my top 5 podcasting tools! These are the best podcast apps out there!
Now that we’re already into Part frickin’ 4 of this series, I’m going to show you how to write engaging calls to action. Because I desperately want you to stop writing “click here.a” It just kills me. You’re so much better than “click here.” You’re more of a “Explode Your Brain Cells.” I know. I can tell.
You know how you have a specific customer in mind that you love working with, but the customers you attract don’t really fit the mold? Here’s a very very very VERY simple way to get more of your ideal clients before you have to worry about the sales pitch!
If you looked at my website last week, you would have wondered what the hell I do and if I could even help you, simply because the path(s) I had created was so overwhelming. I had one going to creatives, one for solopreneurs, one for courses, one for free resources, one for retainer clients – it was a bit of a clusterfuck, not gonna lie.
The easiest way to confuse visitors to your site is to give them 800 different kinds of services and products and resources. I learned this the hard way last week while I was redesigning some pages and cutting out some service offerings, trying to zero in on my customer persona and who I serve.
When I was younger, I often thought about becoming a dating advice columnist. The idea of helping the lonely and socially inept find love and build fulfilling relationships made me feel like less of a grinch. As it turns out, now that the golden age of Ann Landers...
Social media: it can be a giant pain in the ass on a personal level, especially if you’re dealing with complicated relationships, racist aunts, or trying to dodge friend requests from that random you met at your friend’s loft-warming party. But, when it comes to...
I want you to be successful, so I’m always coming up with new ways to grow your podcast. Take it! In your inbox! It’s great!
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