Today I’m sharing a few things that will help you get ready to have guests on your podcast. Remember, the main focus should be on making your podcast guest look GOOD. That’s going to make you look like a fabulous host, and more guests will want to be on your show!

AND, if you really want to up your podcast guest game, prepare some social media assets for them to share on the day their episode drops! A quote pic, an audiogram, and a caption for a post are a great start, and by doing this you’ll make it so much easier for them to share your show – which means, of course, MORE LISTENERS!

✔️ Do: Come prepared!
Come prepared. Do some research on your guest before you interview them. Make sure you’re setting them up to look GREAT! Ask questions that are relevant to their expertise, and learn this through research!

✖️Don’t: Talk over them.
Talk over them. Let your guest finish a thought, and then wait a few seconds longer to see if they’ll add more. You can always edit out the blank spaces later! But you can’t un-stifle your podcast guests!

✔️Do: Choose a topic that showcases their work.
Choose a topic that showcases their work. Whether you’re interviewing a past client as case study or an industry expert, design the topic around their success stories with their own work and build them up!

✖️Don’t: Edit out their promos!
Edit out their promos. Your podcast guests are doing you a huge favour by coming on your show! Whenever possible, give them an opportunity to plug their work. It’s all about reciprocity!
✔️ Do: Sign up for my mini-course How To Start A Podcast!
In this mini course I give you so many strategies to prepare your content, get your gear ready, steps to launch and more!